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CBD and its role in Anti-Aging


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By: Stefanie Hatton RayaGary Wenk, the professor of Psychology/Neuroscience at Ohio State University, states that we can “see it in humans and rats the changes which occur with the aging of the brain”. We refer to that as inflammation. Scientific studies show that inflammation, developed in the brain is the background of most, if not all disease. What this specialist discovered, was that marijuana or at least a component of it called cannabinoids (which is the main component of the plants) – CBD oil brings the brain to a very low frequency which in fact lowers inflammation and brings the brain to a level where it can repair itself. Just as when you go to sleep, it allows the brain to repair your internal and external functions. This will soon be available via the “patch”, as some patients are too young or averse to smoking any medicine. Dr. Wenk wants to find that magic bullet to decrease inflammation and improve your mental functions.

As we age, our brains are more resistant to accepting new information, so, the clock is ticking. No doubt about it,younger brains are healthier. You can, of course, start off at very low dosage – hardly noticeable, witch is like taking one puff (but not inhaling). Just like Clinton.

He also states that any “non-living” food intake ages us! Sugar, Carbs, Fats… all of our favorite things!

 7 Ways CBD Oil Combats Aging

 The Disease of Aging

Scientists refer to aging as a disease. The ravages of time on our body behave much like a disease. For some, signs of aging appear sooner than with others. Aging shortens our telomeres, dims our sight and dulls our hearing. But, if aging is a disease, that means we all have it.

Stress Shortens Our Telomeres

Researchers are getting down to the nitty gritty, dealing with aging at the cellular level. They’ve been coming up with all kinds of new ideas on how to slow down the process that wears us out. Although, the fountain of youth is yet to be discovered, we know by now that stress plays a big role in aging us. That’s because the accumulation of stress causes damage to our genes. And, no doubt —our telomeres. Therefore, whatever helps us to chill should also help to slow down our aging.

Is Weed Your Chill Pill?

It just so happens that weed —that maligned and forbidden substance we struggle to keep our kids away from— may hold at least part of the secret to youthfulness. In fact, of all the herbs that are beneficial for the body, marijuana may be the most amazing. This seven-leafed beauty has secrets yet to be revealed. However, here are some that we know about.

7 Ways CBD Oil Combats Aging

1. Antioxidant and Neuroprotectant

Stress affects the whole body, including and especially the brain. In many cases, the brain is where stress can cause the most damage as we age. Stress can cause plaque build-up in the brain that leads to dementia, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s disease, etc. In cellular research, THC treatment reduced levels of amyloid-beta (brain plaque).

What is Oxidative Stress?

When the body is unable to balance the positive with the negative byproducts of oxygen metabolism, oxidative stress occurs. This is a destructive action that can cause diseases such as autoimmune diseases, inflammatory diseases and other diseases of aging. But, CBD oil  combats aging of the brain by healing the diseases that are associated with oxidative stress. Active cannabinoids in CBD oil are potent neuroprotective antioxidants. In addition, scientists have discovered that CBD oil combats aging by reducing the inflammation of the brain’s neurons. And, that combats the diseases of aging with a doubled mechanism action. Head trauma and stroke also cause oxidative stress which cannabis compounds help to reduce. This speeds the healing process in the brain.

2. Improves Memory

CBD oil combats aging by improving memory in aging adults. Research in 2017 showed that mice given daily doses of THC saw “dramatic improvement in cognitive functions”. The mice had been divided into three age brackets. The younger mice treated with THC experienced reduced cognitive function and memory. But, the older mice improved in cognitive tasks and memory.

3. Better than a Chill Pill

CBD oil combats aging by calming your stress more naturally than any chill pills you may try. Researchers at the University of Illinois in Chicago have found that low doses of THC eases stress in adults, inclusive of psychosocial stress. Psychosocial stress, which is triggered by social situations, is a major risk factor in developing anxiety, depression and other disorders. In fact, chronic psychosocial stress is linked to the risk of cardiovascular disease. It causes neurons in certain brain regions to die. It also negatively affects the CA3 region of the hippocampus —the sector responsible for memory formation.

4. Improves Sleep

Sleep is vitally important for all of us but, particularly for the elderly. CBD oil combats aging by helping you get better sleep. During the REM phase of sleep, beta-amyloid plaque is flushed from the brain. That’s a good thing because this plaque contributes to the onset of Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and dementia. Without sufficient deep sleep, these beta-amyloids are allowed to remain in the brain and build up, restricting blood flow. Most noteworthy, cannabis facilitates a deeper, longer sleep. And, the depth and length of your sleep is important to good mental health.

5. Skin Antioxidant

There are two ways that skin aging occurs. Natural aging happens over time. This is called intrinsic aging. When we leave our teen years behind, our skin begins to produce roughly 1% less collagen every year. The lack of collagen causes the skin to sag. But wait, there’s another factor involved. The environment. Pollution, UV rays and poor diet can speed up the aging process. This is called extrinsic aging.

CBD Combats Aging by Neutralizing Free Rads

The potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of CBD oil make it a trusty combatant against extrinsic aging. It neutralizes free radicals that damage skin cells. Cannabidiol also improves skin acne and protects skin from DNA damage.

6. Reduces Inflammation

Many of today’s diseases and chronic diseases are caused at least in part by chronic inflammation. Though inflammation is the body’s defense against stress and injury, chronic inflammation can contribute to health problems. Chronic inflammation is a major contributor to depression, allergies, diabetes, arthritis, neurodegenerative disease, and more. CBD oil contains a variety of anti-inflammatory compounds. With consistent use, CBD oil can combat the aging diseases that are brought on by chronic inflammation.

7. Improves Quality of Life

By reducing inflammation, CBD oil relieves pain. Non-psychotropic CBD oil acts as an analgesic, soothing muscle pain and increasing mobility. Add an improved mood to that and you have a better quality of life. (Studies from 1992 found that depression rates are highest at the 80-year mark. Lowest depression rates occur at around 45 years old.) Senior adults who struggle with loneliness, anxiety and depression can appreciate the ability of cannabis to improve their mood and calm their anxiety. Older adults and their family have so much to gain by trying CBD oil. There are no worries about side effects because cannabis is non-toxic. It only makes sense, if you or a loved one is suffering from a chronic disease to try the up-and-coming herb that’s being born again as a natural healer.

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